Summer Cadet Going Ons

Closing Ceremony

Monday, June 8, 2009


What do you hope to learn/get out of the course this summer?


  1. In this course i hope to learn how to be a great teacher and different traits of an effective teacher. :^]

  2. i hope to learn more about the teaching side. i would love to learn how teacher handle kids. how to start the role of being a teacher.the fun with being a teacher and more.!!

  3. even though i am e repeat student i hope to learn more then i learned the last 2 summers like how to be even MORE effective as a teacher and how to handle administration and all that jazz and more

  4. i would like to learn about what makes a teacher a good teacher, how to not bore the class to death when you have to do the boring chapter, and over-all how to be a nice but not to nice good, teacher.
    i am sure this class will help me with this because yesturday we learned a few of the things. :)

  5. In this course I would like learn more about the different characteristics of becoming an effective teacher and administrator.

  6. This summer I hope to gain a better understanding of what it takes to become a good teacher and how to handle different situations when working in a school.

  7. I hope to learn if teaching is something i really want to do.

  8. In this course I hope to learn more about teachers and what they do, so I can make a decision on weather or not i want to become a teacher. I also hope to make new friends and experience new things!

  9. This summer I hope to gain valuable knowledge and experience to put toward teaching while meeting new people and having fun! =]

  10. I hope to learn more about the different types of fields within the teaching field and what i should expect for the future. I hope to gain more knowledge and meet new people. I also hope to just have a great summer!!!


  11. How to be more enthusiastic and to become more social with people that i do not know, and also be less shy.

  12. I want to have a real, tangible feel of what I want from my college life and if teaching will have any real life repercussions, set backs or be as fulfilling as i hope and think it is. I know with all my heart that I want to be a teacher, but I just don't know what kind of teacher. Should I be a elementary educator, secondary or should I just try to become a professor. I.D.K but maybe this program will help me somehow.

  13. in this course i hope to learn how to become a better teacher. Or an effective teacher. plus it will help me to come upon new things. and learn to be open minded because everyone is not the same

  14. I hope to learn how to be a more effective teacher and how to deal with the daily stresses of teaching and how to manage my time effectively.

  15. I want to get more learning about being a future teacher and all that it offers me. I want to experience the new things that this lass ha to offer me this year.

  16. i hope to learn or expand what i learned before in the last summer's program. Even better would be to learn new stuff that i dont even know it existed before ^^

    (im in it for the experience)

  17. Just got my computer whoa!!!!!!!

    all jokes aside, i want to be able to learn everything that i can while i am here.

  18. i hOpE 2 lEARN MORE THiNqS AbOUt bEiNq A tEACHER.. EVEN tHOUqH i AM A REtURNinq StUDENt i WOUld liKE 2 qAiN ALL tHE kNOWlEdqE i NEEd 2 kNOW!!!!

  19. In this summer course i hope to break out of my shell, meeting new people with the same goals of becoming a teacher. I also hope to learn the ropes of teaching and what it takes to be an effective teacher and rle models to students;)

  20. I feel that learning is a lifelong process and I hope to show that even through teaching we are and can be learning.

  21. Great ideas guys! We hope that we can help you to accomplish all of these goals. We look forward to working with you and helping you on your journey's to becoming great teachers!!

    Mr. and Mrs. Most

  22. I am so glad to see that so many of you are so enthusiastic about this summer program. I hope you can all come away from this experience with a wealth of information that will assist you with your future plans of becoming teachers.

  23. Im a little late responding to this. computer wasnt working yesterday and didnt get a chance to respond. But i would love to get more knowledge about teaching from this program. I didnt know about the teacher salary and now i do. :)
